Recording Production Services
Technically, it could be argued that the terms “Record Producer” and “Record Production” no longer exist since records, as we once knew them, are rarely being manufactured anymore. Unfortunately, even when the recent uptick of vinyl releases is taken into consideration, the wonderful groovy record is all but forgotten. These days there are a variety of methods by which music lovers can listen to their favorite artists albeit they all originate and are delivered in some form of a digital format. When the impact of digital technology is considered, perhaps the more accurate terms for “Record Producer” and “Record Production” might be “Recording Producer” and “Recording Production.” Whatever name we may choose to use, the job description and process of those involved in the art of making great recordings is the same. (To play it safe, we will use the initials “RP”)
So, what does a RP do? What is his or her roll? Let’s begin by saying that a RP can also be, but doesn’t have to be, a recording engineer. In fact, the talents of a RP are very different from those of an engineer who is responsible primarily for the technical aspects of a project.
A RP is the middle man between the artist, the engineer, the record label and manager. His or her primary job is to get the best possible performance out of the artist and to work with the engineer to see that it is recorded in the manner which best presents the artist and song. A RP must be familiar with song composition, arranging, various musical instruments, recording studio gear, procedures and engineering protocol. In short, he or she has to be on both sides of the studio window at the same time and do everything possible to make the project come in on budget.
Winterwood can provide Recording Production Services at little or no charge. Just let us know if you feel you are an artist that could benefit from outside coaching and we we’ll take it from there. How does this work? First, we will ask you to give us a number between 1 and 10 which represents how involved you want us to be in the production of your project. If you choose 1, for example, we will record you exactly the way you are and give you the best possible mix. If you choose 2, we will politely tell you if you are singing off key and so on. Should you say 9 or 10, we will look at your songs before you come into the studio and, if needed, make suggestions on how they might be tightened up. We might also come to a few rehearsals and check out your arrangements etc. In fact, we will keep an eye on every aspect of your project.
Most importantly, if we are invited to participate in the production of your project, there are two things we will not do. 1) Under no circumstances will we have the final word on any aspect of your project. You are the artist and you have the final word. Period. 2) We will not turn a deaf ear to your suggestions or input. You are the artist, you are the client, you are always right.
Please tell us if you would like to know more about this valuable service. A song and its delivery when produced and recorded properly will make the difference between a performer and a Great Artist. Email us or call 479.253.5670.

Although we would never claim that Sir Martin has been to Winterwood Recording Studios, we can say with great pride that Winterwood’s owner, Eric Schabacker, has worked with him on a project at Orlando’s Bee Jay Recording Studios. (Bee Jay was built and owned by Eric prior to his formation of Winterwood).