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MP3 Examples

Save Time! Listen To Montages
In a hurry? Because of the scope and number of MP3s presented on this page, we are offering Montages of each Category. For example, the first item in the “Blues” Category allows you to “PLAY THE BLUES MONTAGE.” By clicking this link you will hear several shortened highlights from this Category which will save you time. Of course, if you would like, you may listen to any of the longer song versions by clicking its title in the Category.

Title (mp3)

Blue's Montage
Jimmy Thackery and the Drivers
Jimmy Thackery and the Drivers
Kory Montgomery Band
Kory Montgomery Band
Lectric Liz and Live Wire
Lectric Liz and Live Wire

Christan/Gospel Montage
Faith's Journey
Faith's Journey
Jericho Down
Jericho Down
Joel Sebag
Joel Sebag
Rosie Alexander
Rosie Alexander

Classical Montage
Ellen Foncannon Stephenson
Sir Charles Hammer
Sir Charles Hammer
Susan Ferre
Susan Ferre

Folk/Acoustic Guitar
Folk/Acoustic Guitar Montage
Catherine Reed
Catherine Reed
Crow Johnson
Crow Johnson
Effron White
Effron White
Linda Dickson
Linda Dickson
Maureen Alexander
Maureen Alexander
The Doe Brothers
The Doe Brothers

Jazz/Dixieland/Swing Montage
Claudia Burson
Claudia Burson
Naturally Brass
Naturally Brass
Observatory Jazz Quartet
Observatory Jazz Quartet

Rock/Pop Montage
B- Side Folk
B- Side Folk
Hippie Holler Band
Hippie Holler Band
Joe Giles and the Homewreckers
Joe Giles and the Homewreckers
Maud Crawford
Maud Crawford
Sean Ritchie
Sean Ritchie
Silverstones Alive
The Silverstones
Six String Sprung
Six String Sprung

NOTE: Most of the above MP3 samples are abbreviations of performances originally recorded by the artists. These samples are only intended to demonstrate the recording capability and versatility of Winterwood Studios. In an effort to make the MP3s shorter, most of the selections have been edited and are not the exact arrangements initially recorded by the artists.


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